Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Story of Princess Pembayun

Retold by Satoto Kusasi


She was a pretty woman. She was also Princess of Mataram Kingdom. Her name was Princess (Putri) Pembayun, daughter of King Panembahan Senopati.
King Panembahan Senopati was first King of Mataram Kingdom in Central of Java.

She talented in art of singing and dancing; she also could play Gamelan (Java’s instrument of music). Her uncle, Ki Jurumartani taught her the art of music for making her to be an artist. Her uncle was so proud to have a nephew that would have a chance to be a famous artist.

However, she could not show her art talented at the stage of public show because of forbid; the King forbids Princess to go out from Palace and even more to sing and dance in front of common people. She became frustrated and being sadness.

Ki Jurumartani supported her. He had idea to build theater club just in the Palace. He organized the members for practicing. Princess was happy by then.

Her Grand Pa, Ki Ageng Pemanahan had ever seen his Grand Child while she was singing when the theater club practiced; he was impressive to see his Grand Child could sing and dance.
“Her talented would be used by every one; she was pretty and talented.”

Chapter 1

Patih (Prime Ministry or General) Purboyo commanded his troops to attack but his soldiers already lack their encouraged and their struggled spirit as well; now even they retreated and save their soul each. Their friends carried the wounded soldiers back to Kota Gede (now Jogyakarta).
More than one hundred soldiers of Mataram death in the battlefield.

Mengir had defeated Mataram troops. It had happened for a long time, repeatedly. Mengir could be able to win the war and even in every war that had launched by Mataram Kingdom regularly. The soldiers of Mataram became frustrated especially Patih Purboyo, “Why it could be happened? I admitted Ki Ageng Mengir was a good warrior.”

Mengir Perdikan was a free territory. Perdikan mean freedom; they did not want to merge with a new Kingdom at south, Mataram Kingdom. Their leader was Ki Ageng Mengir. He was not a King but the leader of Perdikan.
Mataram Kingdom would expand their territory and then would conquer Mengir Perdikan. However, Mengir Perdikan could be able to defense Mataram’s attack.

Now Patih Purboyo must report the loser to his King, Panembahan Senopati.
“Master, we lose again; I admitted Ki Ageng Mengir was a good warrior. I am sorry about that.”

“I had predicted that you would be lost. However, do not praise our enemy in front of me. Believe me that we are stronger that that Mengir’s.”

“What could we do then?”

“I will ask my father; I hope father would give suggestion to win this war.”

King Panembahan Senopati hate against Ki Ageng Mengir very much, even though he never seen and meets him face to face so do Patih Purboyo.

The King took agenda of war meeting in the Palace; of course, it would be a secret meeting. The members of meeting consist of Patih Purboyo along with his military staffs, the King himself along with The Royal Family, Ki Ageng Pemanahan, Ki Juru Martani and many others.

“Do not forget to close the doors and windows since the meeting would be a secret; I do not want to welcome the infiltrate.” Ki Ageng Pemanahan said.

Ki Ageng Pemanahan was old but still going strong. He had ever been Patih of Pajang Kingdom long time previously. He has many experiences while he was on duty as Patih of the King Hadiwijoyo.
Once, he had a good idea to solve problem to defeat Ario Penangsang, the enemy of King Hadiwijoyo. That was the story,

“Let us make Ario Penangsang become mad then he would have taken mistake decision, and then we could easy to win this war.”

Ki Ageng Pemenahan caught a man who had been working to cut grasses; he was Panolan Citizen who worked to care horse of Ario Penangsang. He cut the worker’s ear and then wrote a letter for Ario Penangsang, “Hi Ario, you had been waiting at bank of Sore River by Joko Tingkir (King Hadiwijoyo) for fighting duel; do not be coward.”
He sent the letter along with the cutting ear in envelope.

Meanwhile, Ario Penangsang had been eating his supper when his man came to him with crying of pain, “Master they cut my ear and put it along with this letter.”
Ario canceled his supper and read the letter. “Bastard you, Joko Tingkir. What you say, do not be coward; Ok I will full fill what ever you want; I never been a coward soldier like you.”

He took his horse and weapon then went to Sore River alone; any soldier followed him. His Patih surprised and wondered, then he shouted, “Master do not go; it was a trap; you could be killed. Please Master do not go.”
But Ario had gone already. His Patih called his soldiers to follow him in a hurried.

Ario Penangsang crossed Sore River. He saw Ki Ageng Pemanahan with the troopers but Joko Tingkir did not show up. Ki Ageng Pemanahan gave sign to his archers group then many arrows were flying to its targeted, Ario Penangsang. After a while, Joko Tingkir crossed the river met his enemy who had many wounds cause by penetrated arrow. Duel fighting imbalanced, seems Ario weaker than that Joko’s. Joko stabbed his keris to enemy’s stomach easily. Ario Penangsang death with the intestine burst out.

Now the next enemy was Ki Ageng Mengir; how to defeat him?

King Panembahan Senopati has duty from his father to expand his Kingdom as large as Mentaok Forest. Therefore, he has to conquer Mengir territory.

Long times ago, King Hadiwijoyo of Pajang Kingdom had ever given prize the Land of Mentaok forest to his Patih, Ki Ageng Pemanahan. The King wants to say thank you to his Patih that he had assisted him to defeat Ario Penangsang successfully.

Nevertheless, Ki Ageng Pemanahan was confusing when received that prize, “What could I do with that prize? What was beneficiation of a large area at southern of Pajang Kingdom? Therefore, he asked his father, Ki Ageng Banyu Biru.

“Father, I have good news that the King had given a prize as a large area, name Mentaok Forest at southern. But what could I do by that prize?”

“That was mean the King wants you to be a King at the land of Mentaok Forest. Did you realize that there were people who had been living at there? They would be your people because you have your authority on them.”

“I am a King at the land of Mentaok Forest. Now I realized that I would become a King; thank you Pa.”

That was why Ki Ageng Pemanahan asked his son to conquer Mengir Perdikan.

Chapter 2

Ki Ageng Pemenahan mused for a while; he thought every effort to solve the war problem.

“Father, did you have suggestion to win this war?”

“Yes I have, but please call my Grand Child, Princess Putri Pembayun; she must attend this meeting.”

“She was just a weak woman; she was not eligible as a soldier.”

“Yes I knew, she was just a weak woman; but she has her brain and her talented of singing and dancing. I was proud with her beauty. Please call her immediately.”

The King whispered to a guard. Afterward, the Princess came in hurry, “What was the mater father? Was there something wrong?”

“My Grand Child Putri Pembayun, did you realize that you are the member of Royal Family? If so then you must give your sharing to contribute your effort in this struggle. Now we are at war against our enemy, Ki Ageng Mengir and his gang.”
Ki Ageng Pemanahan asked the Princess politely.

“Yes I will Grand Pa. So, what can I do?”

“Ki Jurumartani, will you explain your plan to your King and the Princess please.”

Ki Jurumartani stood up and bowed to the King and to Ki Ageng Pemanahan.
It seems that Ki Jurumartani and Ki Ageng Pemanahan already had prepared their planning.

“Our plan would ask Princess to be included in our task. Did you objection Princess?”

“No I did not; for sake of Kingdom, I will do my task.”

“Thank you very much. As we knew that Putri Pembayun talented in art of singing and dancing; we also already built a theater club. We would present on stage of public entertained show. We would travel from town to another town to entertain people in public show; and Princess would sing and dance on the stage.
We hope our theater club could impress the people and then would become famous.”

“I like it; that was what I want to.” Princess said with gleaming face.

“We hope Ki Ageng Mengir would be attracted and would call on us to make show at his resident. Finally, we hope Ki Ageng Mengir would fall in love with Princess.”

“No, he would kill my daughter because she was his enemy’s daughter. You must remember that we are at war now.” The King said.

“Our members must have a false identity each; of course we would have never confessed that we were the people of Mataram Kingdom but we were the people from Randu Dadap Village; we have to keep the secret tightly. Princess Pembayun would have new identity as a singer from Randu Dadap. We would reorganize a new club of theater at that village.”

“I absolutely disagreed with your plan; how my enemy could become my son in law?”
The King said with anger appearance.

“You’re Majesty, if Ki Ageng Mengir would have become your son in law then you could do your plan on him or you could steer him easily, do you?”

“How did you my dear Pembayun? Did you agree?”

“For the shake of our Kingdom, I agreed.”

“You agreed with Jurumartani’s plan; then you would be Mengir’s wife; would you?”

“Yes I would; I would protect my family even though he was your enemy.”

“Don’t do that please; you just pretending as his wife but your real task is to eliminate Mengir; kill him!”

“Father, I disagreed with you; it was a sin to kill an innocent human even though he was your ex-enemy. I suggest you to make peace with Ki Ageng Mengir, and then everything would be going OK.”

“I told you that my daughter was not eligible as a soldier; she was just a weak woman.”

“If so then I would quit.
Father, a marriage was a holy ceremonial that Gusti Allah (God) and Angels would have attended as witness. To kill a husband could push someone-else into hell hereafter.
So I would protect my husband what ever my husband would be.”

“I wonder why you loved someone-else that you have never met.”

“You asked me to love that man, not I. For me it was my task for Gloria of Mataram Kingdom.”

“Yes that was what I mean, you just pretend to love that man; your task was just for Gloria of Mataram Kingdom.”

Patih Purboyo joined into discussing forum, “Princess, I want you to know that Ki Ageng Mengir was an old man and even ugly; he was not appropriate to be your husband. You could find another man that would become your husband properly.”

“Patih, we had been discussing a war topic; how to defeat an enemy, that was Ki Ageng Mengir. We did not discuss how to get marriage partner.”

Ki Ageng Pemanahan asked his Grand Child, “Pembayun, please do not leave us; your effort was needed. I agreed with your plan that you would be wife of Mengir. And then what would you do after that.”

“No, I do not want to be Mengir’s wife, but you insisted on me.
As if you insisted on me to go into crocodile’s nest and then you asked me to marry the crocodile. That was my task. For the sake of Mataram Kingdom, I will do my task and I will donate my soul.

The fifty percent of probability was that I would die, be killed by Ki Ageng Mengir, because I am Princess of his enemy. Twenty-five percent was that I would have been his detention and then he insist you to surrender other wise he would kill me.

The last twenty-five percent of probability was that he would have loved me as a true love, and then he would have come into Mataram Palace to ask me to be his wife.
In this case, I want to ask my father; will you kill Ki Ageng Mengir?”

King Panembahan Senopati became confuse to face the problem; it was not a simple mater but it was a complicated mater. He looked at father.
Father took the King into another room to discuss the mater both.

“Please, do not kill Ki Ageng Mengir if he truly wants to be your son in law. You have to respect your daughter’s effort. You should thanks to Gusti Allah (God) if your daughter would come back safely. Remember what Pembayun saying that seventy-five percent of probability was that she would die, be killed by Ki Ageng Mengir.”

“Shall we take Ki Ageng Mengir as my son in law?”

“Yes we shall, even though he was your enemy before that. However, you would be the winner of this war because your enemy would become your son in law.
However, we would never conquer but merger the Mengir territory.”

“I hated Ki Ageng Mengir very much.
How abortive Jurumartani’s plan. We could try to attack again, hoping could defeat Mengir.”

“You would be lost because our soldiers were not courageous to do war. The plan of Jurumartani would become the last option. I knew how you hated him; that was because of you had been having never won.”

“I understood father. I would try to love my enemy as my son in law.”

Both of them went out from the room and met the discussion members.

Ki Ageng Pemanahan spoke, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have reached the last pages of our discussion. We decided to work in Jurumartani’s plan. Hoping that Pembayun would come back safely and Ki Ageng Mengir could become King’s son in law.
Finally, the war would end in peace.
We would never conquer the land of Mengir but merger.”

Patih Purboyo said, “If Princess Putri Pembayun had been killed then we would have continued our struggle in the battlefield. The dieing of Princess could increase courageous and struggle spirit in every soldier of Mataram.”

“Yes I am agreed with you Patih; I will be in front of the line at battlefield.
But I would be sadness if my daughter had been killed.” The King said.

“Father, would you kill Ki Ageng Mengir if I had married him?”
The Princess asked again.

The King hesitated to answer, but finally he answered, “No, of course not, my dear Pembayun.”

“Now I am relief to hear you father. The war was always cruel. I hope this war would end in peace and then everybody would be happy.”

Ki Jurumartani said, “Shall I prepare our theater club since every body agreed with my plan.”

“Do your plans Jurumartani; but I advise you that every member of theater club must have their false identity because this mission was top secret. In addition, not every member has ever been at battlefield of the last war since you could have known. Keep it secret, not divulge even though to your family.” The King gave advice.

Chapter 3

Princess Putri Pembayun was alone in her kaputren room. She was reminding the meeting; and she wonder to herself, “How I was so brave that want to go to battlefield; not for fighting but for singing and dancing in front of our enemies. Hoping Ki Ageng Mengir was impressed with my melodious sound.”

“Gusti Allah (God) please saves me while I would do my difficult task. Please send your Angels to protect me. You are The Greatest; no mater could have happened in this World without Your permit. So, please save me. Amen.” Princess prayed deep in her heart.

She prepared her belonging for traveling. She would go to Randu Dadap Village, at northern area. It was a secret command from her uncle, “Every member must go to Randu Dadap Village alone and one by one; please do not tell your family concerning your task. Do not forget your new identity.”

However, she had to ask permit to her father, “Father, I will go to do my task. Will you pray for me? Praying of father was needed to keep me away from disaster and jeopardy.”

“Of course I will pray tahajud in the mid night, especially to keep you away from jeopardy. I sent along with you my best guard; he was Ki Ageng Suro who will protect you in a violence mater. And also your uncle, Ki Jurumartani”

“I knew him; he was our Narrator.”

“What was your new identity Pembayun?”

“My name was Ayu Sekar; I was borne at Randu Dadap Village; my father was late Suro Agul-Agul; my mother was late Larasati.”

“That was good.
Honestly, I would rather disagree than agree with Jurumartani’s plan.
How I could have my real enemy being my son in law. It was awkward.”

“That was twenty-five percent of probability. In that case, Ki Ageng Mengir wants to love me with true love. On the other hand, seventy-five percent of probability Ki Ageng Mengir would kill me.
What do you feel father? Do you realize that seventy-five was more than twenty-five; that was mean chance of dieing was more three folds than that chance of living.
You should have to say thank you to Gusti Allah whether I would have come back safely; no mater what my husband would be, please receive him to join in our family”

The King kept silence; he thought and imagined what could happen in next time. He would receive the cadaver of his daughter or he would see his daughter was arrested by Ki Ageng Mengir in front of his Palace and then Ki Ageng Mengir would have insisted him to surrender other wise Pembayun would be killed.

“I can not receive my enemy as a son in law. It would be awkward mater that Ki Ageng Mengir would be the second King in Mataram” King thought.

A woman came out from a room. That Pembayun’s mother will say farewell to her daughter. She could say any, just crying. Many tears dropped from her eyes. At last, her mother said, “Why did you not cry my dear Pembayun? What do you feel?”

“Mom, now I am a soldier, not a weak woman. Forbidden was a soldier to cry at battlefield. For the shake of Mataram Kingdom I will join into battle against Ki Ageng Mengir.”

“No, you are not a soldier; you are an artist. You have your duty to make people happy not hurt them. I am proud with you as an artist.”

“Of course Mom, I am the real singer and dancer and I am happy. However, now we are at war; as you knew war always cruel.
I loved you Mom. Believe in God that I would come back safely if God willing”.

Both hugged each other, now tears dropped from Pembayun’s eyes.

She went off from her Palace secretly; even she wearied common clothes to make her appearance would be different. She made her hair unordered. She rode a horse went to north. She must avoid the Mengir’s territory other wise the enemy could arrest her.

Chapter 4

A pretty woman was eating in a restaurant when Ki Jurumartani came. He saw his nephew was eating, but he pretended as if he did not know her.

She was Princess Putri Pembayun who had come at Randu Dadap Village. She did not see her uncle came. A restaurant service man approached her and gave a letter, contended, “Please come to our home at street Sabrang Lor no.10, Ki Jurumartani.”

Not so long, a couple of man and woman came into the same restaurant. They asked food for their lunch. Princess saw her friends; she knew them very well as the member of Theater Club. The woman was Ayu Mendut and the man was Joko Lelono.

The mansion at Sabrang Lor street no.10 would become their home for practicing gamelan, dancing, singing and theatrical activity. It seems Kingdom had arranged that mansion for them. Somebody had organized everything for Club Theatrical, like gamelan, stage as well as theatrical custom.

Princess was happy to find everything was available, as she wants to; she forgot the heavy task for a while. Of course, because of she was a real artist not a soldier.

Every night, they practiced their art of singing, dancing and drama. The sound of gamelan could call the village people to come and to see. Included the chief of village who came to see what the activity of his people was.

Raden Danang Suhita the chief of village asked Ki Ukur (Ki Jurumartani) to make show of entertainment at his home. He would pay that show.
Then it was the first show of that Club.

They would play drama “Kelenting Kuning” the famous tale among the people at that time. They practiced and well prepared for that show. They do not want to disappointed customers especially Mister Raden Danang Suhita.

That night, the weather was clear, no rainfall and even the moon was shining. People came to Danang’s house to see the entertainment. They came to see without paying or free of charge. Danang will pay all.

Princess or Ayu Sekar was excellent; she was the prettiest and attractive. She sat near Narrator, Ki Ageng Suro. She sang a song along with gamelan. Her melodious sound was so nice to hear that everybody admitted her.

Surprised, there were many young men came to near Ayu Sekar. They look crazy to see the pretty woman in a lonely village. Fortunately, Danang had already prepared his guards that could chase the young men away.

Suddenly, a young man leaps up onto the stage and then gave a bucket of flowers to Ayu Sekar. Ayu smiled and said thank you. The young man went down to the ground.

The others were angry and jealous to see the action, but the young man had already gone. Afterward, they came again to near Ayu Sekar, but the guards chased them away.

The drama plays successfully and the audiences satisfied, included The Chief of Village.

“Ki Ukur, wonderful, you and all of the members were good; all of you were real artist; I astonish.
What was the name of your Theater Club?” Raden Danang Suhita asked.

“We are sorry we have not a name yet but we would prepare a good name then.”

“If you do not mind, how a name of “Cahyo Kumolo” Kumolo was mean Diamond so it was mean “Bright Diamond”

“It was a good name, I agreed with you. I would let you to know our Theatrical’s name later on.”

“I am proud of you because you are my Citizens, the people of Randu Dadap Village.”

Ki Ukur was happy and satisfied with the successful of their show. They discussed the name of their club. Finally, they chose a name “Cahyo Kumolo Theatrical Club.” The abbreviation was “CKTC”.

The people of Randu Dadap were happy and proud with a new Theatrical Club in their village. They talked about the Club in everywhere and every time, especially they talked about the singer, Ayu Sekar. “It was amazing, how a girl from village was so attractive that look like a Princess.”

CKTC practiced every night; people peeping and surrounding the mansion. People wonder how the members like stranger, “Seems they were not our citizen, may be they came from Kota Gede.”

The second invitation was come from other village, Jatiwono Village. A rich farmer name Ki Ageng Galih invited CKTC for playing drama in his home.
Now CKTC will play drama “Damar Wulan” it was the other famous people tale, the story of Blambangan King and Majapahit Queen.

Ki Ageng Galih took charge to every person who wants to see the theater; every body has to drop a penny into earthen cup. He was capable to collect money from people.
In fact, he got much money, “I do not want to release the hen that lay a golden egg every day. So, I want to ask them to stay in my home yard.”

Ayu Sekar was singing a song when a young man came up on stage and gave a bucket of flowers. Ayu Sekar said thank you and smiled. Seems he was the same person who had ever done like this in Randu Dadap.

The same situation was like in Jatiwono, many young men came, surrounded Ayu Sekar. However, they were polite and seriously watched the drama until end.

At the end of show, Ki Ageng Galih held Ki Ukur for discussing, “Ki Ukur Would you stay your CKTC in Jatiwono. I promised you a house theater for you. I would build a good building theater for you; you could play drama show every day; and you do not have to go travel.”

“Are you please and enjoy the playing drama?”

“It was a wonderful drama, I like it very much.”

“But we have to go travel from town to another town to make large people would have known us; of course we want to make CKTC become a famous Club.”

“Well, it was a good idea of you, so long until then.”

CKTC become a famous Club because there were four villages at once that had asked CKTC play in their village each. Then Ki Ukur had to choose one village only. He chose a village that stayed at southern near the territory of Mengir. It was Gajah Wungkur Village.

Ki Ukur had to talk to members for more being careful because the village was so near the target, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we had to be careful and alert since we want to go near the home of Ki Ageng Mengir. I asked you not to talk about politic and war. Please stay as you are; you are an artist; your duty was just to make people happy.”

Gajah Wungkur Village was not a village but a little town because more people lived at there. People were enthusiastic want to see drama of CKTC. The theater house was full by people.
They talked much about the singer, Ayu Sekar. Every young man was fond of her and dreamed about her.

The CKTC would play drama “Ratu Roro Jonggrang” Now Ayu Sekar and Ayu Mendut sing together. The audiences applauded hysterically.
After show, a man came and gave a bucket of flower and then gone away; he was the same person.

Chapter 5

Ki Ukur held a letter from Ki Ageng Mengir, it was contended, “Dear Sir, would you come to our home for playing drama. I astonished to see every drama of yours that had played from the first playing until the last playing. Please would you send my regard to your lovely singer, Ayu Sekar.
Sincerely Ki Ageng Mengir.

Ki Ukur’s hands were trembling while he held the letter, “He had presented at every our show from Randu Dadap until Gajah Wungkur Village. Did he know our secret mission?
I hope not.”

Ki Ukur call on his members for urgent meeting, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the bite would be eaten by fish. Do you know what I mean? I just received a letter from Ki Ageng Mengir, contended invitation to play drama at his home.
He said that he had presented at every our show and may be at every our practicing secretly.
Ayu Sekar, are you ready to face your husband candidate?

“I like it if he wants to be my husband; but may be the opposite would have happened, he would murder on me. Uncle, the hole of crocodile nest was in front of us and now I am going into and then meet the crocodile.
Was there somebody wants to help on me?”

“I am your guard.” Ki Ageng Suro said

“I am too.” Joko Lelono said

“Of course, every member of ours wants to help you Ayu Sekar. We are in a solid team”

“I am especially because I would be pounced by that crocodile since I stay too near it.”

“Please do not stay near it Ayu.” Ayu Mendut gave suggestion.

“You did not attend at the meeting Mendut, I would have to marry him. That was my father had asked me.”

Ayu Mendut confused to hear Ayu Sekar’s explanation, “Who was Ki Ageng Mengir?”

“He was an old man and ugly, he was the number one enemy of Mataram Kingdom.”

Ki Ukur made calm down the excitement situation, “Let us pray and asked Gusti Allah (God) for safety of ours; please do not make Ayu Sekar become frightening. We would face every problem together, right? Now we practiced again as usual.”

Meanwhile, the Mengir’s mansion was crowded with many people that busy to prepare the entertainment show of CKTC; some body was working to stand up stage, the others were making decoration and the others one made tidy and cleaned the yard.
Many subordinates of Ki Ageng Mengir work hard to please their leader.

The CKTC group came when the Mengir’s mansion was tidying. They worked to put gamelan music instrument on to stage and put customs in the cupboard and so on.

Ayu Sekar tired cause a long journey; therefore, she needed rest for a while. She sat on a chair alone.
A young man approached, smiled and greeted to her. He was the same person who had ever given a bucket flowers. Now he gave a bucket of flowers.

“I hope the weather would be good to night and the show would be successful, how do?”

“Me too I hope so.”

The young man took a seat near Ayu, seems he relaxed and enjoy.
He was quiet handsome and polite. He did not afraid whether the owner of mansion could may angry on him.

Ayu thought, “He was handsome and polite and seemed he attracts on me; did he fall in love? I hope so and then I will quit from the battlefield; forget Ki Ageng Mengir and Mataram Kingdom. I would go with him to somewhere at peace land.
I hope he would be my lover.”

“Of course the show would be success because we have you, the famous and lovely artist.”

“Am I a famous artist? Am I lovely?”

“Yes you are; everybody had been saying like that repeatedly, not just me. They dreamed of you and they want to touch you and I was included.”

“You want to touch me, want you?”

“Yes please, if you do not mind.”

Ayu gave her hand to his lap; the young man touched her hand politely. He touched her hand and kissed it so affection. He looked satisfied and happy.
He stared her face. Ayu also look at his face.
No sound of talking just eyes gazing.
Each of them was asking in deep of their heart, “Will you love me?”

“Would you please to follow us regularly? Or will you be our member in CKTC?”
Ayu asked.

“Why did you ask me?”

“Because of you always give a bucket of flowers and follow us to every where that we have ever gone.”

“The sound is good, I want to. But I can not because I must do my duty as a leader of Mengir land.”

“Who are you?”

“People called me Ki Ageng Mengir.”

“It was the man who invited us. Oh.. That you are the famous warrior; surprising”.

Ayu said in murmur voice. She became pale at sudden with more sweat on her front head, “I was at mouth of crocodile; Oh..Gusti Allah saves me.”

“Hi, what was wrong with you? Are you sick?”

Now The Mengir leader became frightened. He run to kitchen for a cup of coffee and gave to Ayu, “Please drink this coffee for your health.”

“I concluded that he did not know my secret identity; as if she talked to herself, please relaxed Ayu, you are saving. If he had known your real identity then he would have brought knife to kill you, not a coffee like this. ” Ayu Sekar thought.

He wiped the sweat on her front head with handkerchief; he was so affection that Ayu could feel his emotion of love. She stared on him as if she wants to say I loved you but no sound could produce, “How to start this love, I have no experience.”

“Well, the coffee had worked; now you got your red face as usual even you become more beautiful than before.”

“Am I beautiful?”

“Of course, you are.”

“Do you love me?”

He grasped her arm and kissed her lips with lust behavior, “I loved you with all of my heart”

“I loved you too; I hope no one else beside you, just myself.”

“Of course, just you are on my side.”

Both hugged to each other; the World as if stopped rotating for a moment; everything become quiet, cool and gleam.
For that moment, they had declared themselves as a couple of lovers.
There was no witness just Angels and God.

They walked hand in hand, approached the leader of CKTC, “Ki Ukur, the man who ever had given a bucket of flowers was Ki Ageng Mengir; he was the owner of this mansion that had invited us.”

Ki Ukur surprised and frightened, “Really? Are you Ki Ageng Mengir?”

“Yes I am”

“Thank you very much for you had invited us to play drama.”

“You welcome, now my home is your home; you could play drama and please being relaxed for we have no more war at the moment; I knew everybody want to make peace to each other.”

“Yes I agreed with you, everybody hoping the World would become peace.
So, we have to prepare the show that would be held to night and then we must go.”

Ki Ukur held Ayu Sekar’s hand and they went up to his group.

Every member was busy to prepare the show. Ayu Mendut and Joko Lelono were included. Joko would be role as Hanoman monkey in the next show of drama.

They would play drama “Rama and Shinta”. Nevertheless, the group needs more actors to play role as monkeys in that drama. Ki Ageng Mengir was pleased to send their soldiers to assist the CKTC.

In once of the secret moment, Ki Ukur asked Ayu concerning Ki Ageng Mengir, “What was the topic of discussing when you had been talking with the Mengir Leader?”

“Love, just about love, no more.”

“Love,… How so fast that love could be penetrated in each mind of you, it was amazing.”

“Yes, it was amazing, we called it “Quick Love” “

“I am glad, so far so good. I suggest you not to talk about war and politic. Remember you are an artist, just an artist. After you had married, you could opened your real identity in once of good moment; but you should be careful.”

Every body in Mengir had known the love affair of Mengir Leader, especially the soldiers of Mengir. The news spread fast among the Mengir’s subordinates.

The drama played well; no more young men want to annoy Ayu since every body was polite to see the drama.
The drama of Rama and Shinta was a little bit colossal since they had presented Kecak Dance to describe the soldiers of monkeys.

Ki Ukur concluded that the last show at Mengir was the best; he and every members of CKTC were happy and proud. Even more, Ki Ukur satisfied that Mengir Leader had fallen in love with Ayu.
Ki Ageng Mengir satisfied as well as his soldiers, “The drama could make us amazement.”

“Ki Ukur will you play once more in other night; I knew you have to get rest.”

“What ever you say then I will follow you, Sir.”

“Thank you so much.”

“I knew you that you want to get near Ayu a little bit longer, do you?”

“Yes I do, I should be honest to you that I fell in love with your subordinate, Ayu Sekar. Did you agree with me?”

“Of course we did, even I also be happy to see both of you were happy.”

“Thank you Ki Ukur.”

Every member CKTC was happy too to hear Ayu loved Ki Ageng Mengir; they satisfied since Ki Ageng Mengir was not an old or ugly man but a handsome young man; even he was polite and good behavior. They have same opinion that he would not do to kill Ayu, even though he would have known the real identity of Ayu Sekar.
They knew how Ki Ageng Mengir loved Ayu very much.
After all, they were relief for a moment.

The second show had made a successful show because the audiences more than before. Every body of the CKTC member satisfied. They could say that CKTC was a famous theater club.

Nevertheless, the next invitation was come from Grobogan Town, just near Kota Gede.
Ki Ukur got headache because he afraid that his real identity could may could open; he was afraid concerning the Princess. If somebody had known Ayu Sekar as Princess then he could have spread the news to other people; and finally could let Ki Ageng Mengir had known. That was dangerous situation for Princess that her lover could kill her.

Therefore, Ki ukur decided not to present Ayu Sekar in the show; he chose the reason of sick.

Ki Ageng Mengir realized that his lover wants to go, but he does not mind, “Darling, I should follow you in every show of you; but now the Grobogan Town was a place just near the Head Quarter of our enemy.
Therefore I cancelled but may be in the next time.”

“I also can not to go because of sick; I got fever. Can I stay for a moment in your mansion?”

“Of course you can sweet heart. This mansion is yours.”

Chapter 6

Ki Ageng Mengir called on the entire his staffs and soldiers for war meeting regularly. They came with relax and enjoy because no more attack from their enemy; but that situation had made Mengir Leader became frightened, “Why they did not attack again?”

“Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming; now we discussed war situation against our enemy, Mataram Kingdom. Suromenggolo, would you say something or would you report how your subordinates were.”

“We are in good condition and ready for combating; even my keris was thirsty to suck enemy’s blood. We were asking, why did Mataram have canceled the war?”

“That was what I want to ask you, why they did not attack us again. Is there some one wants to answer that question?”

“It was an easy answer, because they got afraid to do war.” One of soldier said.

“Yes that was the answer; we won the war of the last battle and then they must be afraid to do war again.” The other soldier said.

“Please do not be conceited that Gusti Allah could angry. In my opinion, they have a new trick to win this war but we did not know what kind of trick of theirs. We must know what it was, so I want to charge one of us to search on them and find the reason why they had stopped attacking on us.” Ki Ageng Mengir said.

“We already have the secret service that wants to search them. Ki Kancil Alit was their leader; Ki Kancil Alit, would you take this duty on you?” Sromenggolo said.

“Yes I am ready to do that task.” Ki Kancil alit said. He was not thin or small but just his name “alit”. Alit was not mean little but it was mean easy to infiltrate in enemy’s line.

“It was good for you Kancil; then what was your planning?”

“I would travel to Kota Gede. I would hear the people want to talk about especially concerning the war; if necessary, I would go into their Palace.”

“Thank you Kancil Alit; you could ask every thing for your journey.
Men, to day I was so happy that I could introduce my fiancée. Here she was, Ayu Sekar one of the members CKTC. We would marry soon.
Would you speak Ayu?”

“Thank you very much that I had permitted to attend this meeting between of you, even though you were discussing concerning of war.
Believe me that I would support your struggle against Mataram Kingdom.
I want to introduce myself that my name was Ayu Sekar. I lived at Randu Dadap Village. I worked as a singer and dancer in our club, the CKTC.
I want you to know my goodness that I had found a man that would be my husband; accidentally, he was your leader, my lover Ki Ageng Mengir.
We had agreement to marry soon, Thank you.”

Audiences stood up and gave applaud her, clapped and hurray, “Viva Ayu, Viva Ayu, Viva Ayu.” That was the way of soldiers to say agrees to receive a new member into their group.

“When the wedding party would be presented Sir?” One of the soldiers asked.

“I think it would be done as soon as possible; I would ask Ki Ukur formally.
My lover was an orphan. So I could ask Ki Ukur as replacing her parent.”

When Ki Ukur and his group had come, Ki Ageng Mengir asked Ayu for being his wife formally. Of course, Ki Ukur agreed.

“The process toward marrying would have to be done as soon as possible, other wise Ayu’s false of identity could be opened by someone else; and then it would be going into jeopardy.” He thought.

The wedding party had come and of course, it became merry because every body agreed and happy, except the King of Mataram Kingdom. He frustrated by hearing his daughter got married.

Ayu Sekar happy as seen her face gleamed as clue of happy, so do her husband.
She thought, “Patih Purboyo must be joking when he said Ki Ageng Mengir was an old man and even ugly.”

Now CKTC was different from before because some soldiers would follow them in every show of theirs. It was necessary for their safety; especially the safety of Ayu Sekar.
In addition, they have another rule from Mengir, not to make show in the territory of Mataram Kingdom.

However, Ayu Sekar allowed singing and dancing as usual on stage of public entertainment show. Nevertheless, the young men as audiences were polite to her; no body wants to annoy her.

Chapter 7

Ki Kancil Alit was in Kota Gede, Head Quarter of his enemy. He heard discusses of people in tavern or in the market. He concerned every topic of discussion.
He thought, “Every topic of people’s discussion must be important to answer the question, why the enemy had stopped their attacking.”

Once, when he was drinking coffee in the tavern he heard some people talked about the CKTC.

“We should ask our money back because the singer did not show up on stage.
Without Ayu Sekar, CKTC was nothing.”

“Yes I agreed with you. Why did you attract with that girl?”

“She was pretty, charming and beautiful; everybody fond of her; everybody dreamed her.”

“I guessed that she was not common people from Randu Dadap Village, but she must be a Noble woman from a Kingdom in Java. Look the way she speak, walk, and eat; and everything the way of her life; she always used “Kromo Inggil”.
That was a clue that she was a Noble woman.”

“So, who is she according you?”

“Might be she was Princess of Mataram Kingdom.”

“Surprise, she was a Princess of our Kingdom. Nobody had ever seen the Princess of Mataram since she forbid to go out from her Palace; even we did not know what her name is.”

Ki Kancil Alit heard their conversation, “I must go home immediately to inform our leader that his wife actually was enemy’s daughter.
Then it must be a trick of them to win the war.”

Chapter 8

The couple had married and lived at Mengir’s mansion. They were happy family since they loved to each other.

Ayu Sekar continued her activity as an artist; sometimes her husband followed her. He enjoys her singing and dancing and follows the drama as well. He never being jealous since he knew his wife was an artist.

Three months had passed by and then Ayu Sekar got pregnant. Her husband cared her much more than before, “Ayu, please do not work too hard since you have pregnant”.

“Are you happy? I am going to have a baby of yours and of mine also.”

“Yes of course; I am the happiest man in the World.”

The happy family got trouble when Kancil Alit came to report his result of investigation. He came while both of them was relaxing and enjoying.

“Master, I had come from Kota Gede and I would like to give you important news.”

“Go on.”

Kancil Alit hesitated to say because the important news concerning his wife.

Ayu Sekar realized the jeopardy situation because she knew already that Kancil was a secret agent who has duty to investigate the cancel attack of Mataram Kingdom.
She guessed the news must have correlated with her.
She became frightened and pale followed with sweat dropped from her front face.

Finally, Kancil approached Ki Ageng Mengir and then whispered in to his ear, “She was Princess of Mataram Kingdom”

Now he startled by hearing the news; his face become beam because of anger; his eyes protrude and stare to his wife. “Who are you my dear Ayu Sekar? Are you Princess of Mataram? What purpose of you? Did you realize that we are at war against Mataram Kingdom? Answer me!”

“Now I am your wife; a woman that you loved. Please do not hurt me, even though I am your enemy’s daughter previously but not now. I came to you for making peace with you and we hope no more hostility between the two Countries. My father had sent me to you, just for making peace between you and King of Mataram”.

“It was wonder, how a King of Mataram wants to make peace with his enemy.”

“Why was it impossible?”

“You knew already, how hate him to me. Then it would be impossible that he wants to make peace.”

“In fact, the King had made peace with you as you saw me that I am your wife already.
How did about you my dear husband?
Will you also want to do the same as my father did?”

“Of course I want to, but I can not believe your father. How hate the King against me. Therefore, it was impossible think to make peace with him.”

“Did you believe me? Can you trust me?

“You are my wife. I loved you so much.
I wonder King of Mataram sent his daughter to make me surrender. I do not want to surrender even though you already had become my wife.”

“Surrender and peace would be different, is not it?”

“Yes I knew that; but I knew what the King wants to do; that was to make me surrender or die. He would never do peace movement”.

Princess Putri Pembayun kept silent. She thought, “He right that my father passionate to kill him; I can not believe my own father. Shall I betray my own Country? Now I have to decide whether I would provide Mengir or provide Mataram since he had already known that peace was impossible think.
He could become beast if I would have provided Mataram and then he could kill me.”

Suddenly, Ki Kancil Alit gave his opine, “Master, we had already opened her secret identity as Princess of Mataram. Master, we won now; did you realize that we could insist our enemy to be surrender other wise their Princess would have been killed.”

Ki Ageng Mengir kept silent; he mused for a while.

“Kancil, did you ask me to kill my own wife? It was crazy; I do not want to do that; I loved my wife but I hated her father. Did you have another option, would we do?”

Ayu Sekar joined the conversation bravely, “My dear husband, I am ready to die. You could ask King of Mataram to surrender other wise you could kill me.
Believe me that I am your wife and also your soldier; I want to fight side by side with you against King of Mataram”.

“No, I loved you Ayu Sekar; please do not say that. That was the political problem; it was out of family problem of ours. Thank you for your help; I appreciate you.”

“We have to continue the war; while Princess would have still being your wife as she said that she wants to fight hand in hand with us against Mataram Kingdom.
Princess, did you remember what you said?” Kancil said.

“Yes I did?”

“Thank you Princess and I believed on you”.

“I loved you Ayu Sekar; I am sorry to push you into battle; please believe me that I loved you and I also loved my son in your womb”.

“I loved you too Brother Ki Ageng Mengir. My step was on your side. I will fight hand in hand with you. However, I would rather not to be a betray soldier than betray soldier; therefore, I want to make peace agreement between Mataram and Mengir. I think I have my step right properly; that I had married you, Brother. I hope both of you, King of Mataram and Ki ageng Mengir would have becoming cool and peace since I would have been between you and King of Mataram”.

“Thank you darling; I appreciated your effort to make peace. We already tired to do war repeatedly. I do not want to make disaster upon my people, as they would have suffered famine, pandemic illness and poverty.
Our enemy would push my people away. Then the people would be refugees.
So what were we going to do next?”

“Nothing to do; we just wait what they want to do on us.” Kancil Alit said.

“You right, let us pretend that Ayu Sekar was a woman from Randu Dadap Village not a Princess of theirs”.

Chapter 9

The news of Princess marrying had already heard by King Panembahan Senopati as well as Ki Ageng Pemanahan. However, the people of Mataram happy and hope the peace-agreement would come and then no more hostility between the two Countries.

The King was waiting the son in law would have come into Palace, and then Ki Ageng Mengir would have declared wants to surrender.
However, time had passed by without action of Mengir.

The King frustrated; he thought concerned the bad situation may have hit his daughter, “Might be Pembayun had been killed already by her own husband.
Might be she had already confessed herself as Princess of Mataram Kingdom.
Might be the cadaver of hers had already buried”.

Afterward, the King asked his staffs to discuss Pembayun’s fate in once of meeting.

The King came into the room; he looked pale because he cannot sleep every night.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your coming. I want to know the news of our Princess in the Head Quarter of enemy; did some one wants to tell us?”

“Princess Putri Pembayun was alright. She still have made her show of entertainment at every village and town; she looked got pregnant.” One of Mataram secret agent said.

“I was relief to hear the good news of my daughter. Nevertheless, I want to know concerning her husband, did he have already known that his wife was our Princess.”

“I think he did not yet know because he still loved his wife. If he had known then he would have killed his own wife”.

“You’re Majesty, Ki Ageng Mengir might be just pretending did not know; it was impossible think if he did not know his wife was a Princess”. The other staff said.

“Why did he pretend?”

“He pretended not to know because he had been waiting our action.
She was a famous artist. She talked like a Noble woman because she was. Every body talked about her and they concluded that she must be a Princess.

“So we must do action first, that was open Pembayun’s identity as a Princess of ours.
We concluded that Ki Ageng Mengir had fallen in love truly; therefore, he had been waiting on us to do action.” The King said.

“What would we do?” Ki Ageng Pemanahan asked the King.

“We would make a letter saying that his wife was my daughter. We would ask him to come to our Palace along with his wife.”

The King stopped his mention for a while. Seems he hesitated to express his willing next.

“And then what was your action next?” Ki Ageng Pemanahan asked again curiously.

“I would kill Ki Ageng Mengir immediately and saved my daughter.”

“I would rather not to kill him than kill him; did you remember what your daughter had said about her husband? She said; please do not kill my husband even though he was your ex-enemy. Your daughter hope there would have a peace agreement between two Countries”.

“Yes I knew father, but we must remember that we are at war now; we have to kill our enemy what ever the way to do it”.

“And so, you want to discard your daughter’s role in this mater.
My son, remember that you are a King. A Caliph of your people; that was mean you have to be trusted by your own people; you could be trusted by every one, included your enemy”.

The King kept silent; his face became pale and beam changeable. He was angry against Ki Ageng Mengir, even though he never met his enemy.
Because of his anger, he could not be able to be polite to his beloved father.

Ki Ageng Pemanahan walked out of the room; he disappointed against his own son.
He thought, “What Pembayun want to say when she could hear her father wants to kill Ki Ageng Mengir, her husband. Oh Pembayun you are pity.”

The King continued the meeting; the next agenda was how to kill Ki Ageng Mengir when he would have been coming into Palace.

“The archer group must have ready to shoot the enemy together while he would have been making a ceremonial “sungkem”; they would have to kill him immediately, do not miss”.

“What did the Princess? Where she would have been at that time?”

“We would have already saved her; we would have separated both lovers before they do ceremonial “sungkem” I think you could done this job with easy way since the enemy would not realize our trick.”

“You’re Majesty; if they had brought huge amounts of soldiers then we would lose.”

“I would tell him not to bring any soldier because he would come as my son in law. However, Patih Purboyo has to prepare the entire our military power.”

Chapter 10

Ayu Sekar came home from her show; her friends followed until the Mengir’s mansion. They have realized that Kancil Alit had divulged Ayu Sekar’s real identity. However, they still hoping everything would be fine.
Fortunately, Ki Ageng Mengir was not mad to his wife and even he loved his wife more than that before.

The members of CKTC came with frightening. However, Ayu Sekar still trusted her husband. Now she became pretty with her pregnant.

Ki Ageng Mengir welcome his wife with gleaming face, “Look what was in my hand, a letter of invitation from your father; he mention that he agreed with our marrying and hopefully we could come to Kota Gede, into his Palace”.

“Were you glad?”

“Of course I am glad to have you in formal manner.”

“May I take a look?”

The letter contended, “To my son in law, Ki Ageng Mengir. I want you to know that Ayu Sekar was my daughter. She was Princess Putri Pembayun. I agreed with your marrying and hoping you, both of you could come to our Palace immediately.
Please do not come along with your military group because we do not want to fight but we are in one family now.” King Panambahan Senopati.

“Look at the last sentence, “Please do not come along with your military group because we do not want to fight but we are in one family.”

“Then it would be good.”

“No, it was a trick for killing you. I could not trust my own father; even though he wants to make peace, nevertheless he wants to kill you because of hate.
Brother, I think it was necessary to discuss this mater with your military staffs and soldiers. I knew my own father; and I knew how he wants to hurt you”.

“I agreed with you; we would make discussing forum to night”.

“Oh father, I knew that you want to kill my husband. I told you that Angel could push you into hell hereafter. Believe me father, please. I am sorry to betray your struggle; I told you that I would protect my own family as hard as I could, even though he was your ex-enemy”. Princess Putri Pembayun thought.

Ki Ageng Mengir called on his entire soldiers and military staffs, as if tomorrow morning would launce battle against Mataram Kingdom. They were truly ready for combating.
The CKTC members also attended included Ayu Sekar.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, now we were gathering to discuss a letter of invitation that I held in my hand; the letter was issued by King Panembahan Senopati, our enemy. As you knew already that, my wife actually was Princess Putri Pembayun, his daughter.
Now he invited us to come into his Palace.
Shall we come?”

“No, please do not come; forget it because it was a trick to kill you”. Suromenggolo said.

Ayu Sekar gave her opinion, “Yes I agreed with you Suromenggolo; even though he was my father but I did not believe him. There would be bad trick behind his invitation; it was a plan to murder my husband.
He asked us not to bring our Army; so it was clue that he wants to hurt us.”

“Can you explain more specific to us concerning your father?” Ki Ageng Mengir asked.

“My father was passionate to kill you. He had planned to marry off me with you, but it was just a trick to kill you. I absolutely disagreed with his plan.
I just want to make peace and I do not want to make harm any body”.

“Master, did you hear she said? So please do not go. In fact, we won because his daughter was in our hand; the Princess could become our hostage. We could use her to insist them to surrender other wise we could kill the Princess”.

Ki Ageng Mengir look at his wife as if asking her, will you be hostage? However, he just looks at her.

Ayu Sekar realized that she was an enemy among of them actually, not their friend.
Her husband was just the man who could help her. She tried not to be panic.
She has to explain to Mengir’s soldiers that she wants to help them; she wants to fight hand in hand with them.
However, how did to explain them.

After a while, she spoke, “Gentlemen, listen to me, even though I am the Princess of your enemy but my present at your Head Quarter not a provocation; I want to make peace agreement between Mengir and Mataram. I hope that we would have no more war and hostility and then we could live side by side in peace condition.

My good luck had come that I met my beloved husband accidentally when he saw my show entertainment. Afterward, we had fallen in love to each other. I had never known my husband before I met but I had ever heard his name as a good leader of Mengir Perdikan.
Now I want to ask to all of you; would you accept me as your friend. May I be your member as a Mengir soldier that wants to fight side by side with all of you”.

No one soldiers spoke or screamed but just kept silent; they look at their leader, Ki Ageng Mengir. They wondered, how a Princess of their enemy want to help them and even want to fight side by side; it was strange.

“Gentlemen, my wife asked permit to help our struggle.
I believed her and she could have permitted to join us. However, I am afraid she could injure even kill while she would have been at battlefield.
I disagreed with you Suromenggolo; how my wife could be hostage of ours”.

“The attendance of Princess between us was a valuable thing; as if we have a turf card to insist Mataram Kingdom to be surrendered. We do not have to kill our beloved Princess, just to make the King of Mataram become worry; hopefully, they would be surrendered”.
Suromenggolo gave his opine.

“If necessary, you could tie me, close my eyes and then you could bring me in front of Mataram Palace. You could insist my father to surrender other wise you could kill me.
I will donate my soul for Mengir people”. Ayu Sekar spoke fluently without frighten”.

“No.. Please do not do that; I loved you Ayu Sekar, I loved both of you.
I would like to make peace as you said and I believed your father’s willing would become truly peace.”

“Master, you are wrong; the King was passionate to kill you. It was his daughter had said.
I suggest you, let us fight them now”. Suromenggolo said.

“Suromenggolo right; my father wants to kill you; I can not believe him”. Ayu Sekar said.

“How a King could not be trusted; I wonder why the King wants to cheat us? He was the King; he must be honest and wise.” Ki Ageng Mengir said.

“He should be, but in fact he was not, even though he was a King. Master, if you did not believe us then you could ask his daughter directly.”

“OK then I believes you and I do not want to go to Kota Gede; I would refuse his invitation. As you said Suromenggolo let us fight them I agreed with you, let us fight them. However, we have to prepare war strategy to win this war.
Will you mention us how to defeat Mataram Kingdom at their Head Quarter, I mean at their Palace.”

“Right, the battlefield would be at their Palace, burn down their Palace.
How we could come into their Palace? That was a part of our strategy”.

“How we could come into?”

“Master, you have your permit that issued by King himself.”

“You right, it was the letter of invitation. I could come into and step my foot at floor of their Palace. You will follow me, strike their fence, destroy everything and then burn down the Palace. I would kill the King if I had opportunity to kill him”.

Ayu Sekar kept silent; she heard everything.

“Would you give suggestion to us darling” Ki Ageng Mengir asked Ayu.

“Shall we go into Mataram Palace together? So what can I do then?” Ayu asked

“No, you do not have to go, but you will stay at home. I would replace you with another person in the carriage. I imagine that the King would take the carriage and save that person because you are the important woman; so that he would save you first.”

“What would you do?”

“We would fight; we want to make war. Because of you had suggested not believing your own father.
Therefore, I decided to agree with Suromenggolo advice.
Did you have objection?”

“No I did not; I agreed with you, even though he was my father. I told my father that I will protect my husband as hard as I could; what ever he would be”.

“What was his reaction then?”

“He wonders how I loved someone-else who I have never met.”
I said, you ask me to love that man, not me. A married was a Holy ceremonial that God and Angels attend as witness, so that we must protect our family what ever he or she would be.”

“Oh Darling, am I more valuable than that your father?”

“I would rather say yes than no. I want to say that war always cruel, but we must agree with the right think. The winner of the war not always right; they might be wrong. They could say that they are right; but God would be judge in hereafter.”

“Oh Darling, you touched my emotion deep in my heart. You are different than your father; I would prefer you are not his daughter than you are.”

The room became quiet since every body heard the conversation of a wife and husband; a family that almost being ruin because of war. At last, the family became intact and solid again.

“Let us discuss the war strategy in more detail.” Ki Ageng Mengir said finally.

“Master, the war would become the final war to decide who the winner and who the loser. Therefore, I would bring all of war device to Kota Gede. Did you agree?”

“I agreed. To burn the Palace we must use the giant catapult, so do not forget that tool. The entire of Army have to go to battlefield.
If I die in this war then somebody would have chosen to be your leader. Remember that I am not a King just a leader, the leader of Mengir. Everyone who wants to be leader must have capability as a leader; then he could be chosen.”

“Would Princess go along with you?”

Ki Ageng Mengir hesitated to answer. He whispered to Suromenggolo, “We want to deceive the King and make surprise as if she would go, but not; remember, keep it as a secret.”
Then Ki Ageng Mengir announced, “My wife would go with us to do sungkem; she would go with carriage vehicle.” (Sungkem was a ceremonial as traditional meeting of a son to his father in which the son gives respectful greeting with his palms together;
His position sits on the floor.)

“Master, do not bring your wife please; you and your wife could be killed; let us fight as usual.” A soldier gave suggestion”.

“Yes I knew that, they would kill me, as my wife had told us.
We have permit to enter their Palace for going to do sungkem ceremonial, as they had asked us. In my heart, I still have a little hoping that the King wants to make peace as his plan.
I asked you, all of you to follow my wife and me until thousand feet from Palace and then you would have to hide in the forest. Wait, until you would see a fire of rocket in the sky; that was mean we would have started to attack, straight into Palace; help me that my friends and I might be in jeopardy. Do not think my safety but your target would be the Palace, burn the palace and destroy everything you could destroy and kill every one in the Palace. If I could, I would kill the King by myself. Do not forget to burn Palace by giant catapult. Do you understand?”

“We understood; shall we go tomorrow?”

“Are you ready Suromenggolo?”

“We are ready Master; we would go early in the morning before the cock would crow. We would go silent, without voice of command and yell.
We, the entire Army of Mengir ready to die since we do not want to be slave of a man who had declared himself as a King.”

Chapter 11

Early in the morning there were many soldiers of Mengir had been going toward the Mataram Palace. Their amount was one thousand and a half, led by Ki Ageng Mengir and Suromenggolo. Now they separated since the soldiers would have been hiding in the forest while Ki Ageng Mengir and his friends as well as his wife in the carriage continued their journey until reached the Palace.

The Mataram’s guards surprised to see their enemies had stayed in front the gate of their home at sudden. One of them run away into Palace to report the attack, “Patih our enemies want to attack us, now they have been at in front of gate; what we going to do?”

“How many were they?”

“It was about twenty and included one carriage.”

Patih Purboyo mused for a while, “They must be Ki Ageng Mengir and his family, Princess Putri Pembayun.”

“We have to welcome them and save Princess first.” Patih Purboyo said.

Then Patih went to the gate along with some soldiers.

“Are you Ki Ageng Mengir?”

“Yes I am.”

Patih Purboyo surprised; he look at Mengir’s face, “I though he was an old man but he was a young handsome man actually; he was appropriate to be a husband of Princess.”

“Did you bring your wife along with you?”

“Yes I did?”

“Where is she?”

“Now I want to ask you first, will you accept us? Did you or the King invite us to go inside your Palace?
If you did not accept us then we could go home now.”

“Yes we did; of course you are welcome and even welcome home for Princess”.

“Thank you; your Princess was in the carriage; did you want to take her?”

“Yes I did; may I?”

“Of course you can.”
Ki Ageng Mengir thought, “You want to separate a family and then you want to kill the husband; I knew your trick, but I am pretending as if being stupid.”

Patih Purboyo and some Mataram soldiers approached the carriage and then took it away. They also removed the weapon of Ki Ageng Mengir as well as his friends.
Ki Ageng Mengir hid his keris in his trouser so did his friends. Therefore, they still have their weapon. Ki Kancil Alit still have his rocket for signaling their friends in the forest.

“Sorry that we must remove your weapon because of the rule of Palace; every guest must leave his or her weapon before could go enter the Palace”. Purboyo said.

Ki Ageng Mengir, Ki Kancil Alit and along with six soldiers of Mengir were pleased to go inside the Palace. The Palace was a horrible places and excitement for the guests
They realized that the King’s trick to kill his enemies was running well match with his plan. They have just a little hoping of probability that the King wants to make peace with his enemy.
Afterward, Ki Ageng Mengir saw the King; he sat in the Throne. He looks pale and reckless. Might be because he was reminding his daughter when she said, “To kill honest man, more even he was your son in law could push you into hell hereafter.”

Ki Ageng Mengir took squat position so did his friends in a line. Ki Kancil Alit was in the rear of line. The six soldiers were in the middle. Ki Ageng Mengir was in front.

Ki Ageng Mengir moved slowly neared the Throne with still in squat position so did his friends. The situation came more exited. How could the two enemies want to make peace and more even want to make relation in one family?
No one could explain it except Ki Ageng Mengir that he really wants to make peace because his people had been suffering the war effect for a long time toward famine condition.

Now Ki Ageng Mengir reached at front of the Throne, “King Panembahan Senopati, I am Ki Ageng Mengir wants to greet you as a King and also as my father in law.
We would like to say thank you for your invitation”.

The King kept silent, no answering. He looked down at Mengir’s face, “He was not an old man, but a handsome young man. I had misinformation concern of him.” He thought.

Suddenly, a soldier of Mataram run approached the King and then whispered in ear’s King, “You’re Majesty, she was not your daughter; she gave a letter from your daughter.”

The soldier gave a letter that contented, “Dear my beloved father; I saved at Mengir mansion; I am happy to be wife of Mengir. Therefore, please do not hurt my husband; please would you receive him as your son in law. Do not forget our plan and then I hope the two countries would live side by side in peace condition.
Princess Putri Pembayun.”

The King became very angry as seen by his red face. He shouted furiously, “You are lying Mengir, she was not my daughter; where is my daughter?”

“Your daughter is my wife now; therefore, I have my responsibility to make her save and happy. I have to save her at a safety place that was my home at Mengir.
If you have received me as your son in law then you would have welcome us in peace condition.”

“Did you think it was not a peace condition?”

“No it was not; it was war condition since you bark furiously on me like that.”

“Guard ready to combat them!”

It was dangerous toward jeopardy to death since some soldiers were ready to shoot their arrow from behind the Curtin. Ki Ageng Mengir stood up and moved fast toward the King; unsheathed his keris and stabbed it. The King avoided the keris, but it could stab on his left thigh; he got wound and bleeding. The King turned back and run away

Suddenly, there were many arrows flying toward its target, Mengir leader and his friend. Some arrows penetrated on to Mengir’s body and his soldiers.
While Ki Kancil Alit run away through the window; he launched his rocket into the sky.

Afterward, Suromenggolo and his soldiers came from the forest of their hiding. They destroyed the gate and then burst inward into the Palace. The habitants of Palace were panic and run away; included an old man that was Ki Ageng Pemanahan.

North side wing Palace burnt hit by fireball catapult; afterward, the middle side of Palace also burnt. The roof of the Palace was falling down little by little.

Mengir soldiers had found their leader was death already, stabbed by many arrows on his body. They became angry and then kill every person in the Palace to revenge. They also destroyed furniture and everything they found.

The King can hide in a secret place safely. He suffered bleeding wound on his thigh but he was OK.
Afterward, Patih Purboyo came with his soldiers and then they fought in the Palace.
Mengir soldiers fought bravely even though amount of them was less than that Mataram’s. They would have embarrassed if they had survived in that battle because they had found their leader was already death. Therefore, they were willing to die.

Suromenggolo commanded his soldiers to attack the enemies at behind, “Turn back! Fire your arrows!” The new arrival of Mataram armies was death, stabbed by arrows.
The battlefield happened in the Palace; it was a unique situation.

After one hour, Mengir’s soldiers were defeated; all of them were death already, except Ki Kancil Alit. Kancil could escape and then run his horse back to Mengir Perdikan.

The Mataram Army was suffering much; they lost two thousands amount of their soldiers and they found their Palace was damage and ruin.

King Panembahan Senopati survived. He was very upset to see the condition of his Palace and the victims of his soldiers. However, the most sadness of him was losing his daughter. Nevertheless, the King became angry against his own daughter, “You always say in disagreement with me; what kind of daughter you are. You must be punished”.

Ki Kancil Alit went home straight to Mengir mansion, found Ayu Sekar.

“Ayu, let us go now! The Mataram’s army would come and would destroy our Perdikan.”

“How was your leader?”

“He was already death; all of our soldiers death as well”.

“What? Oh my husband, you died already.” Ayu Sekar collapsed and then fainted.”

Ki Kancil Alit was getting busy to wake up Ayu Sekar. He brought cool water and poured it to face of Ayu.

“Common, please wake up Ayu! Wake up; we must go in hurry. The enemies will come and will kill all of us.”

Afterward, Ayu woke up. She drank cool water. “My husband, where is he?”

“Your husband already death, the King had killed him, please Ayu, take this happen as favor of God. I will call the Mengir people for gathering and then we would go for hiding in the forest; now you have a short time to prepare your traveling.”

Kancil Alit went from door to door to call every people, “This village has to be evacuated since the Mataram troops will come, destroy everything and may kill you; therefore, you must go now, go! Go!”

“Master, want they to come and kill us? Why?” One of people asked Ki Kancil Alit.

“Because of we lost in the battle. They want to bring their Princess home.”

“Let Princess go home and then we could free to go.”

“Princess provided us and she became enemy of her own Kingdom; Might be the Mataram armies want to kill their own Princess.
Let us go now!”

Ki Kancil Alit led the refugees of Mengir people; they went to northern-west. Ayu Sekar was one of among the refugees. Ayu very sad, losing her husband and suffering in long journey as refugees. They walked continuously until the day became dusk.

“Friends, we have to get rest in the forest; please do not make noise and do not make flame since the Mataram soldiers had been running after us. They want to catch us and punish us”. Ki Kancil gave announced to the people.

“Master, why do they want to punish us? A child asked Ki Kancil Alit.

“Kid, because we had made war against Mataram Kingdom; they want to conquer our Country; we were sorry to bring you in this difficulty.”

Mean while, the Mataram armies launched attack straight to Mengir Perdikan; they want to revenge. Nevertheless, the Mengir Perdikan had become an empty village; every body had gone as refugees, included Princess Pembayun.

Patih Purboyo commanded, “Burn every building and kill every one; search Princess Pembayun whether she may leave behind.”

The Mengir village became aflame; be on fire. They did not find their Princess in the Mengir’s home.

Afterward, Patih Purboyo commanded his soldiers to run after the refugees. However, the refugees had gone into forest when the dusk came. Therefore, the Mataram soldiers failed to find the refugees.

Chapter 12

The CKTC members had been in Randu Dadap. After attended the war meeting led by Ki Ageng Mengir, they had gone to Randu Dadap and had been staying at there as long as war had happened.

They did not entertain audiences on stage since the war was broken. They were afraid of the chaotic situation, especially the fait of Ayu their beloved member. “Where is Ayu Sekar now?” They asked in their heart.

Ki Ukur had great concern for his nephew; he also was responsible of Princess’s safety.
Therefore, he called his CKTC members to discuss fait of Ayu Sekar.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we heard that Mengir was defeated by Mataram in the last battle; and I also heard the news that Ki Ageng Mengir was dead, had been killed by the King. Now we were confusing concerning existence of Princess. We must help Princess; that was our responsibility to our King. Is there of you want to talk?”

“Master, we did not know where the Princess is; we never get news since we had been at the isolated places in Randu Dadap. I guessed the Princess would had been running away and hiding in the forest since she was afraid of her own father.
She should not be afraid since she had done our plan successfully. And we all had worked hard to marry off Princess with Ki Ageng Mengir ”

“So, what were we going do to save our Princess?”

“We have to search her actively. We would go to search her places of hiding, together;
I mean that we would go traveling together. We would bring our instrument of Gamelan music.”

“We do not have to bring the heavy instrument of Gamelan, do you?”

“It could be used to call people in the forest at night. Princess was one member of refugees who lived in the forest; when they had heard our music at night then they would have come out to see us. Ayu Sekar must be known our music Gamelan; hoping she wants to come out to meet us.”

“That was good idea of you; thank you very much.”

“We need some workers to help us, to carry our belonging.
We would go to northern-west; I suppose the refugees would have gone to the area of dense forest because they want to hide.”

The CKTC had gone traveling from one place to another place at northern-west area. They had agreement concerning the Princess that she has to found, because of responsibility to The King.
Nevertheless, they did not know that the King wants to give punishment to his own daughter.

Chapter 13

Every body was tired more even the oldster and children. The refugees were pity; they are the people of Mengir Perdikan that should not be hurt because they did not involve in battle fighting. However, they were lucky since Mataram soldiers did not find their hiding places; they had been hiding two days in the forest, seemed the army had gone away.

Ki Kancil Alit spoke, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are save at this place, since the Mataram soldiers had gone away. I decided to stay in this place and we would make new settlement at this area. Let us work together, hand in hand; hoping God would bless on us and gave fertile soil for our good agriculture.”

The people elected Ki Kancil Alit as leader of the refugees. He was a soldier of Mengir who survived in the last battle. Every refugee appreciated him as a hero. Now he led the people that were going to make a new settlement, making many houses, finding water resources, making padi (rice) field, care cattle stock and many kind of jobs for people living. The new settlement was grown up little by little and then people were happy.

One year has passed by and seemed Mengir people want to forget their war suffering but not King of Mataram; because he had been looking for his daughter for a long time after the last war. The King had commanded to find places of the new settlement of Mengir Perdikan people and find Princess Putri Pembayun.

Meanwhile, Princess Pembayun had delivered a male baby; the mother and the baby were all right and health. People loved Princess since she was the wife of their leader, Ki Ageng Mengir. People did not care whether she was Princess of an enemy; in fact, she was hospitable and friendly to every people.

Princess Pembayun longing her friend in CKTC; she wants to sing, dance and play drama. She asked Ki Kancil Alit to build a new theater club in that village but Ki Kancil Alit disagreed with her propose, “Not now but may be next time; we must wait until every thing would be fine and peace.”
Kancil did not know that the King of Mataram had been looking for his daughter up until then.

One night, they heard sound of Gamelan; the sources of sound seem far away but every one could hear.

“Listen, the sound of Gamelan, can you hear it?”

“Yes I heard; then some body had made a party must be; shall we come to join the party?”

“We have accompanied in the dense of forest; but might be Ghost”.

“Let us our leader know this happen.”

Ki Kancil Alit frightened since he thought about the enemy that may be had come.
“I am not suppose the Mataram soldier had come. Oh please do not they come; we have no more Army to fight against you.
Let us ask Ayu Sekar since she must have known who had made that sound of music.”

Ayu Sekar curiously heard the Gamelan sound, “Look, the Gamelan being followed by sound of singer; can you hear it?”

“Yes I heard; male voice and female voice.” Kancil said.

“I knew the singer; she was Ayu Mendut and the male must be the Narrator, Ki Ageng Suro. Am I dreaming?”

“No you are not.”

“I am happy Kancil; I could continue to be an artist. Let us go Ki Kancil, find them before they would have gone.
I am sure they are CKTC members. But why did they play drama in deep of forest?”

“Please be calm! What they want to?
They might be just looking for you.
Or they would find us as an order of Mataram soldiers?”
Kancil was alert.

No body gave comment concerning Kancil’s saying. Kancil was right since he always think safety first. Ayu Sekar disappointed to hear it.

“Did you think CKTC members want to help Mataram soldiers to catch us?” Ayu Sekar asked.

“I think so because they are the people of Mataram; but you are not included; I knew who you are.” Ki Kancil Alit answered.

“How could we do to meet them? Please Kancil, bring my friends to me; I am longing for them.”

“Let us discuss it.
Whatever would happen, we must do an action when an intruder had come.”

Ki Kancil Alit call the young members of refugees to discuss the situation.

Afterward, Ki Kancil along with some youth men went to the direction of the sound sources at southern. They prepared their weapon to fight the enemy.
They walked through the dense forest at night slowly; finally, the sound became clear and then they could see the CKTC members were practicing at there.

“We stopped at here. Watch whether the Mataram soldiers were included among of them.” Kancil asked.

They had been watching the CKTC members practiced as long as quarter hour.
No one soldier of Mataram at there.

“Let us move near them.” Kancil commanded.

Ki Ukur stopped the practicing and approached Ki Kancil Alit, “Kancil Alit are you?”

“Yes I am Ki Ukur; I am glad to see you. Why did you practice your drama in the forest?”

“We want to call on you, and we were successfully to make you come out.
Where is Ayu Sekar?”

“She has been in the camp; she and the baby were alright.”

“The baby, she had delivered baby; wow surprised! Was the baby Male or female?”

I am sorry want to ask you, did Mataram soldiers have been along with you?”

“No of course they did not. You knew that our step was in your side. Believe us that we provided Mengir Perdikan.”

“Thank you very much Ki Ukur, now I am relief.”

“Can we follow you into your camp?”

“You can, c’mon let us go. Ayu Sekar was longing for you.”

The entire CKTC members followed Ki Kancil Alit and his friends. They excited want to find their beloved member, Ayu Sekar. In addition, of course they want to see her baby too.

Afterward, they came to the camp; and find Ayu Sekar. How happy Ki Ukur found his nephew so did Ayu Sekar. They hugged to each other. Ayu Mendut joined the happy time and then every body was happy too.
They found the healthy male baby; he looks like his father.

“Ki Ukur, welcome to our camp. We hope no other guest wants to come to our camp; please keep this place as a secret place. Please do not tell to any body.”
Ki Kancil Alit said.

“Why?” Ayu Mendut asked.

“We had been hiding in this site since the last war and up until then.
Because the Mataram army had been looking for us, especially they looked for Princess.”

“So, can we take Ayu Sekar with us, going back to Randu Dadap village?”
Ayu Sekar asked.

“No you can not, please do not do that. The war not yet ended. I did not suppose that the King of Mataram wants to welcome Ayu. You can ask Ayu Sekar directly.”

“Ayu Mendut, you are my best friend since I knew how you loved me. But I have to say that I can not follow you for going back to Randu Dadap, because I could be caught by Mataram soldiers and then would be punished by The King of Mataram.”

“It was an impossible mater; how a father wants to give punishment against his own daughter.”

“But it was a fact, because I betray my own Kingdom.
I am going to tell you what had happened in the last battle.
I should have attended in Mataram Palace for sungkem, but I refused their invitation. Because I had predicted that, the King would have killed my husband.
My father really had killed my husband. I suppose that father was very angry because I did not come along with Ki Ageng Mengir for sungkem ceremony. He became angrier when he found his Palace was ruin and the most of soldiers were death at battlefield in the Palace.
Before the battle happening, I had sent a letter to father, mentioned that I was happy to be wife of Ki Ageng Mengir; asked him not to kill him but take him as son in law.
In this mater, I did not make a mistake, but father. He broke our agreement not to kill Ki Ageng Mengir.
I hope you could understand, how pity am I. Everything of sadness had happened because of war.”

Ayu Mendut approached and hugged her; many tears dropped from her eyes, “How pity you are. Gusti Allah would give you blessing and safety, amen.
Therefore, we have to leave you for a moment until the war would end.
We would come again.”

Ki Ukur and Ki Kancil Alit talked and laughed; both of them happy even though in war situation.

“I wonder that you brought the heavy Gamelan to every where you go; then it would be hard effort to find us.”

“Yes we did. One of our members proposed to bring the heavy instrument of music to find you. We knew every body fond of entertainment like the one we have. At last we agreed with the proposal. Our aim was to call on Ayu Sekar. As I knew, she had been hiding in the dense forest if she had heard our Gamelan music the she would have came out. Now we had found you successfully.”

“Who carried the Gamelan?”

“I paid some workers to carry it. We have five workers; we found the worker in the way of our journey.”

Joko Lelono came, approached Ki Ukur and talk curiously, “One of the worker had gone away; I do not know where.”

Ki Ukur frightened since he knew it could make a problem.

“What happen?” Ki Kancil Alit asked.

“One of our workers had gone away without permit.”

Ki Kancil Alit mused for a moment. Finally, he said, “Blast, he must be a soldier of Mataram. I supposed he would have reported the way to come to our site. Then I predicted the Mataram army would come and kill us. Might be they would come in a short time or at least the day after tomorrow.”

“Ki Kancil Alit, we are sorry concerning it. I am not supposed to bring the spy; it was an accident. What could we do now?” Ki Ukur said.

“To night we must go, move to other site, other wise we could be killed.”

Afterward, Ayu Sekar said,
“They want to catch me not all of you. Believe me, I was the targeted of theirs. Because of I was the trouble maker according the King of Mataram.”

“So what were you going to do?”

“I want to stay in this camp; I would have waited and faced them. While in the mean time, every body could go for your safety.”

“I would stay with you, to protect you.” Ki Ageng Suro said.

“You could be killed Ayu!” Ki Ukur said.

“That was what they want to and I am ready to die. I would make them fill satisfaction.
Ayu Mendut, I want to ask you; would you care my baby please?

“With pleasure my dear Ayu Sekar.”

“Go, every body goes, save your life!”
Ki Kancil Alit commanded.

Chapter 14

Ayu Sekar had been waiting in the camp for two days long; Ki Ageng Suro accompanied her. She submitted to her fate. She would donate her live to make people happy.

The man who had been waited came; he was Patih Purboyo and his soldiers.
Seemed they did not care when they had found the camp was empty. They should be angry.
Ayu Sekar was right that she was just their targeted not the refugees.

He approached neared Ayu Sekar.
While Ki Ageng Suro faced Patih with keris in his hand; he ready to fight.

“I do not want to fight you Suro; I just want to say hello to my Princess. Would you please go away?”

“No, if you want to hurt Princess then I will fight you until I die.”

“She was my Princess too; how I could make harm on her.”

Ayu Sekar shouted,
“You want to; I knew that you want to.
If you want to kill me then I would surrender; I am ready to die.”

“No Princess, I just want to bring a message from your father, he asked you to come home.”

“I knew that the King wants to kill me; he would never ask me to come home. Was it right?
Then it would be depend on you Purboyo, you could kill me now or later.
If you want to kill me now then you would just said to my father that you had done your job successfully.
If you want to catch me then you will fight against Ki Ageng Suro first.”

“How I could kill you my dear Princess; you are my Princess and I respected to you.”

“Did you? Oh thank you very much. If so then you just report to the King that you had done your job successfully. OK?”

“OK, then I would say the false report to our King.”

“You deal? But remember, do not divulge this mater, keep it as a secret between you and me.”

“I will; I hope the King could believe on me. If you want to continue your activity as an artist, then you would be a famous person and then the King would have known you later on. So what could I do?

“Yes I would continue being artist. However, I would go to a far site; far away from Mataram Palace, hoping my father would have never heard news of mine. OK?

“Please go far away from here; and then discard your biography at Mataram Kingdom. Please save my soul and save my job as Patih.”

“I will. So long Patih. Your kindness would have been remembering in my mind forever.”

Patih Purboyo and his soldiers turned back and went home. Patih Purboyo satisfied that he could able to avoid guilty feeling by killing his own Princess. He regretted his own King had been cruel against his own daughter.
They had gone far away.
Ayu Sekar said in her heart, “Good-bye Patih. May Gusti Allah would bless you”.

“Ayu Sekar, I admitted to you, you are great. You were able to make sure the candidate killer for going home just by diplomacy. Your tongue was more sharpen than that my keris (blade). It was wonderful.” Ki Ageng Suro said.

“Thank you Suro. Without you, I am just a weak woman.”

“Let us go to our friend, hoping they were not far then we could join them.”

“Ok, let us go.
Suro, from now on, do not call me Princess or Ayu Sekar.
Did you hear Patih Purboyo asked me to discard my biography in people’s mind of Mataram, as if I already dead? Therefore, my name and everything concern on me must be discarded. Therefore, I have to have a new name.
Could you give a new name for me? I want to change the old one”.

“I can not since I am not your parent.”

“C’mon Suro do not be shy and hesitate. You are my friend, even not my guard; I am no more a Princess, but just a common people.”

Ki Ageng Suro mused for a while, “She was no more a Princess; but she still shone like the moon in the sky. She was always bright and looks happy even though she had found
her fate was bad; she should feel sadness but she was not.
She looks like the moon in the cloudy sky.”

Afterward, Ki Ageng Suro said,
“Your name would be Wulan Sribegjo ing Larasati.” (Wulan = the Moon; Begjo = happy; Larasati = Sadness in deep of hearted).

“What is it mean?”

“In my opinion, you look like the moon in the cloudy sky; you still shone even though the sky was cloudy. Everybody knew you even though you try to hide. Every body knew you as a happy, warm and attractive woman; but they did not know you that you were feeling sadness”

“I like it; thank you very much; but I want to short it; then it would become Wulan Larasati.”

“Right, I agreed with you.”

They walked at pathway; the pathway of people that had crossed the dense forest. The Mataram armies could find refugees easy if they want to, but they let refugees free to go.
Afterward Wulan Larasati and Ki Ageng Suro had found their friends. How happy Ki Ukur and the members of CKTC, especially Ayu Mendut.

“Ki Ageng Suro, we want to say thank you to you; you are great that could chase the Mataram’s away. Would you tell me how you could chase them away?” Ki Ukur asked.

“Wulan Larasati had done, not me. Wulan Larasati is the new name of Ayu Sekar. She asked us to forget her old name; she had changed her name with Wulan Larasati. So let us call her Wulan Larasati and please do not call her Princess since she was just a common people from now on.

Patih Purboyo actually had task to kill Wulan but he had never confessed to us. The order must have come from the King, we guessed. Wulan had surrendered and asked Patih to kill her, but Patih did not want to because he respected Wulan as his Princess.
Therefore, Wulan suggested him just to report to father that he had done the job successfully, but actually not. Both of them had agreement not to divulge the secret, other wise the King would be angry and Patih would lose his job.

Patih asked Wulan to go to a place that far away. He asked Wulan to change her identity. Therefore, Wulan wants to change her name and discard her Noble title as Princess. She was no more Princess, just a woman of common people.”

“Now I have to go to a site that my father would have never heard my news; I hope father believed that his daughter had already dead.
I want to continue my job as an artist and I want to make people happy by enjoying our drama. I want to ask you, the CKTC’ s members not to tell everything to your family or friends at Matarm Kingdom, other wise my father would know my address then he would kill me.” Wulan said.

“I hope your father would change to become cool and peace and then you would be welcome by your father.” Ayu Mendut said.

“Yes I hope so Mendut; somebody with anger feeling would subside when time goes on.
I hope the war would never happen again.”

“Ayu Sekar, I mean Wulan, Where we want to go now?” Ki Ukur asked.

“To east northern, then we would leave Kota Gede as far as we could. At North Bay, there is a town of harbor; we could live at that town and we could continue our CKTC business, shall we?”

“That was good idea of you; OK let us go.” Ki Ukur said with gleaming face.

“Do not so fast that we have to accompany our friends of refugees; let us find the new settlement for our Mengir friends.”

“How about you Wulan, did you save from the Mataram army? Did you think also that we are save now?
If so then we want to go back to our old camp.” Ki Kancil Alit asked.

“The army wants to meet me, not you. They even want to kill me, not you. Thank you for Patih. He let me to be a free person. Therefore, you could go back to old camp, without fear if you want to. The King seems had apologized to you, the Mengir people. However, he seems do not want to apologize me. I have to go to a safe place.
Therefore, I have to go now. However, you could stay without fear. Please believe me.”

“Thank you Wulan Larasati. Our goodness, then we can turn to our camp back.

“And we can go to north eastern to save my live from the Mataram armies.
Thank you Ki Kancil Alit, you had saved my live. Gusti Allah may bless you”

“Shall we part now? Ki Kancil Alit asked. He did not hope it would happen.

“Yes Kancil you right, as I have to go other wise the soldiers would come again and then they would punish on me.”

“Wulan, you are wife of our leader, Ki Ageng Mengir. Automatically, you are our leader too. If you had gone then we would have lost a leader that was you.

“Yes I knew that I was part of Mengir people. If the King had forgotten his anger against me then I would come back on you; not now since they still threatened on me.”

“I understood. On behalf of Mengir people, we want to say good bye to you, God and Angels may follow you on your journey.”
Ki Kancil Alit got his eyes red because of sadness.

Afterward, Wulan read poem to make her friends of Mengir People happy,

War always cruel
People became beast
Why did they want to make it?
I knew you deny, I did not want to make it
Therefore, who wants to?

Rice grew to produce food
Vegetables, fruit and many others goods
People made it
Farmer planted it
Worker made it
Nevertheless, they canceled it

I was sad because of
Everybody became soldier
Provided their Country
They left their job
Famine and poor would come threatening

Our Grand Child would ask
What was had happened Mom?
What we have done now would become story
An artist woman like me in future
They would have played drama of our story.

Let us be good role and behavior now
Do not be a bad figure in that story
As if, you put hard color on painting
Making the drama became good to tell
However, you would have reminded as a bad character.

It was an advice not only a poem. Everybody kept silent, look like a child who had given advice not being naughty.

One of them cried and asked Wulan, “Am I a bad figure in this story, Wulan?” I think I am not, and then who was the bad figure?”

“You were not because you are a common people between many people that had been suffering the war. I could not say who the bad characteristic person in this story was; our Grand Child would become good assessment in future, but I am not.”

Chapter 15

The CKTC members came to Tuban harbor, a large town at North Bay of East Java. They became citizens of Tuban. This town was far enough from Kota Gede and then they would save.

Ki Ukur bought a house to make Theater Building. They continued their CKTC business.
They have many experiences to make the CKTC famous. In the new place, they had made their business become successful.

Mean while Wulan Larasati was different from that Ayu Sekar. She tried to speak language or dialect of Tuban. She threw away her way to speak as Kromo Inggil and dialect of Kota Gede. Hoping, no body could know her as a Princess.

However, she still shone likes a moon. Every body was fond of her, because she pretty.

Her baby grew became a healthy boy. His name was Barwono. His name remind Wulan that the baby was borne at the dense of forest (wono = forest); (Bar = Delivery ).

Time goes on, and then many people tried to make the same theatrical as the CKTC. People were happy since many entertainments presented in their town.

CKTC became grandma of many theatrical in East of Java. Up until now, that theatrical like CKTC had known as “Ludruk”.

The King of Mataram forgot his daughter or he believed that she dead already. Wulan Larasati also forgot her Kingdom, seems she happy being a common people.

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