Monday, April 12, 2010

The forbidden love part 2

The Forbidden love (Part 2)
The King lost His Way

Retold by : Satoto Kusasi

Chapter 1

Banyu Urip lead his soldiers; they have their journey to southern for spying. They ride horses until find the dense forest, then leave their horses, walk through the jungle.

They walked as long as one day walking and then they got rest at night. Early in the morning, they continue their journey. Now they have to climb since the land was high.
Afterward, they find a meadow, and Blue Mountain in front.
The place is a beautiful panoramic view.

“Banyu, did you see that Mountain?. It is a beautiful Mountain; Isn’t it ? And the waterfall at beside making it nice to see.
We better getting rest for a while in this place.” Jaran Moro said.

“Yes I agreed with you.
Hi friends let us erect tent for resting!” Banyu Urip said.

A member got a deer; he shot with his arrow and then they cooked it.
That day Majapahit soldiers are happy and relax. One of them sing a song and the others follow with chorus.

“Banyu, I suppose there is some one who own this places.”

“Yes, that what am I thinking, since the meadow is orderly; Perhaps it is a part of the garden yard of the Palace of King Maharaja Linggabuana.”

“Common Banyu, you must be joking; are you?”

“No, I am not. Let us discuss about it. According to our pioneer, the garden yard of the Palace is large; Behind of the Palace, there is a waterfall and a pond. That pond has been using by Princess for bathing everyday, along with his dayangs (dayang = servant).”

“Are you sure?
Common Banyu let us go now!
I want to see the Princess; Perhaps she is bathing now. It would be amazing.”

Banyu Urip change topic of discussion, “Did you feel hungry? And so, we are better to eat since the food was ready.”

“You right, common eat friends.” Jaran Moro said.

Jaran Moro is happy. His face gleamed since he wants to see the Princess while bathing, by then he ate not much.

Jaran Moro sat on the grasses along with Banyu side by side. They watched the blue Mountain, waterfall and something likes building at beside.

“Jaran, did you see that building? ” Banyu Urip asked.

“Yes it looks like a building but I am not sure.”

“It is.
Jaran, we must be careful for nearing that building, because that is the Palace of King Linggabuana.
We are in jeopardy now that they could catch us.”

“And so what is your suggestion?”

“We have to stop our journey in this place since I am afraid there are many enemies at there. They will catch and give us hard punishment.
Remember, we are at war now, not a picnic.”

“Did you hear my decision?
Pajajaran Kingdom will be friendship Country with our Kingdom.
that is my decision as King of Majapahit.”

“You just announce it to me not to all people of Majapahit;
Even more you never tell it to Patih Gajah Mada.
Again I warned you that we are at war now.
Pajajaran people has realized that Majapahit wants to attack.
Common Jaran! Wake up! Don’t be dreaming!”

“Banyu, we have ever been at many battlefields. Why you afraid now?
I want to go nearing the waterfall; No mater what be happenned then, I am not afraid.
I want to hug King Maharaja Linggabuana and will say, we are friend; We have no more hostility.
If you didn’t want to go then I will have gone alone.”

Banyu Urip and his subordinate astonished and confused. They thought, “How their King undisciplined; It is against military rule.”

Afterward Banyu said, “Jaran, according to our pioneer this place is eerie; many ghost occupied the Blue Mountain. Sometimes the ghost will invite us but we never aware. Then the ghost will torture on us.”

“Hi Banyu, did you think I am a kid that you can scare on me? I am your King.”

“Yes my Lord, we will obey you.”

“Don’t call me Lord, but Jaran Moro.”

“If you were just Jaran Moro then we will let you go alone; we don’t care of you.”

“You right Banyu, .........but will you follow me?” Jaran asked with polite manner

“OK, we will.” Banyu said, however he rejected really. He thought, “I would rather say no than yes; But I can’t since Jaran Moro is my King.”

“That’s good. Common soldiers, go !”

They continued their journey. Afterward, the waterfall appeared clearly. At beside there is a building like a villa, not a Palace. At below of waterfall there is a pond.

Unfortunately, a hill blocked the way; they have to turn around the hill.

Suddenly some body shouted from above, “Hi Majapahit soldiers surrender or die. We are ready to shoot you !”

On top of the hill, appeared many soldiers of enemy. Their amount are more than one hundred persons. They ready to shoot their arrow.

Their Commandant shouted again, “Don’t move, otherwise we shoot you!”

Jaran Moro whispered, “Banyu, you are leader, please do something.”

“I told you, now it has happened.” Banyu said to his King with anger faces.

The situation was bad for Majapahit soldiers and the King too. Now Banyu has to make decision; just a couple options could be chosen, surrender or fight. Majapahit’s will be lost because their amount just a little; in addition, their site is open at below of his enemies then Majapahit’s soldiers are easy to shoot.

Afterward, Banyu shouted, “We are surrender!”

“Surrender, do you want to surrender?
That is Majapahit warrior; Now I know that they were coward actually, just their name could make us fear. Ha, ha, ha ” The Commandant of enemy laughed

“We came for peace purpose, not to fight.” Banyu shouted.

“If so then why you brought a troop with full weapon; It must be war purpose, not peace.
Now put your weapon down!
Soldiers catch them!” Commandant of enemy shouted.

He was Commandant Ujang Lumut that guarding the east sector. Then it was the first incident of war affair between Pajajaran against Majapahit.
The Pajajaran soldiers came down from the hill, seized Majapahit weapon and tied their hands.

Banyu Urip and his subordinate became prisoner. Ujang tied their hands and asked them to make line, moved forward his Palace.
Jaran Moro included in the line of prisoner.

The line moved near the waterfall. The King saw the pond but any one is bathing at there. He imagines while the Princess was bathing along with her friends then he would have been happy. Now, just a ‘bathroom’ of Princess.

There are many girls watching from the window and door of the villa building. All of them are pretty; but one of them the prettiest. She is standing at front door and looks at Jaran Moro.

“The girl who stand at front door is attractive; she looks like the girl at the picture; I love you girl. I love this Country.” Jaran thought.

Any one of enemy knew that one of their prisoners is actually a King, since Jaran Moro wearied soldier custom.

The prisoners entered Pakuan City. People watched the Majapahit’s line; They cannot believe why Ujang Lumut so easy capture Majapahit soldiers.
However, they did not know the real reason; Because Banyu Urip has to safe his King.

The Majapahit soldiers entered the prison. Ujang pushed them into jail; Their leg tied with iron chain and prison door locked.
Ujang Lumut worked carefully, make sure no mistake could release his enemy by accident.

“Hi Majapahit soldiers wait your punishment; It must be hard punishment.” Ujang shouted.

Afterward, Ujang Lumut faced his senior, Panglima Maung Jaya, “Report, we have caught forty two soldiers of enemy. Now they were in jail.”

“Very good Ujang! Now the war has really erupted. I wonder why enemies were so brave that they have attacked straight to our Palace. They are crazy.” Panglima Maung Jaya commented.

In the next morning, The King led the war meeting as usual. However, they just discussed the enemies penetration straight into Palace garden yard.

The King gave his opine, “They are so conceited that they have low opinion to us. They have gone into our garden yard with cozy manner as if this Country is their mine.
I am angry furiously now!

I decided to do capitates upon them as their punishment. The punishment will have done at common field yard and public could be allowed to see.

I hope Patih Gajah may wants to re-asses his war campaign and will retreat their soldiers.”

“Shall we do justice upon them?”

“Yes we shall, just procedure, however the punishment will be capitates.”

Citizens of Pakuan became frightening to hear their King’s decision. The majority of people are fear because of Patih Gajah will become angrier than before.

Princess Dyah Pitaloka also fear, “That is a war that always cruel; how human could become beast likes tiger.” The Princess approach her father who lay down on the sofa, resting. The King has to work hard to save his Kingdom.

“Father, may I ask you concerning political affair that hit our Country?.” She asked.

“With pleasure my dear daughter; So what do you want to know?”

“Why did Majapahit Kingdom declared war against us?. Their people has already prosperous. Majapahit Kingdom is a large Kingdom and Glorious; Why they want to expand their Country by attacking us?”

“I don’t know; You will better asking straight to Gajah.”

“Who is Gajah?”

“Their Panglima, his name Patih Gajah Mada.”

“He is just Patih, not a King. I should ask their King, because of the King is decision maker.”

“Yes you right, however, seems to me the situation is different in Majapahit Kingdom that their Patih has more authority than that their King.”

“Oh pity King!.....What the name of their King is?”

“Even I forgot his name since Patih Gajah Mada is more popular than that his King.
Wait a minute.........Yes I remember now, he is King Hayam Wuruk.”

“Father, if I could have near him then I will dismiss his Patih.”

“What you mean with him in your sentence?”

“King Hayam Wuruk.”

“Oh Dyah, Dyah......You are dreaming; You better go to bed; The night is quiet late.”

Princess wants to see the Majapahit soldiers before they will do the punishment. With spoil act she asked again, “Father, I want to see our enemy, the soldiers of Majapahit, may I?”

“I am proud to you since you have your interested with political situation.
You can talk with them; ask them what their reason is by reached our Palace.
Make them could be relax and comforth.
Hoping they want to open their secret mission to come to our Palace.”

“Yes father, I will.”

In the next morning, Princess along with her adjutant, Dayang Galuh Lembayung, visited prison.

Banyu Urip and his soldiers kept silent. They don’t want to talk with a stranger. Nevertheless, Jaran Moro is the exception. Even Jaran Moro learnd Sunda language; He tried to speak with servants in their language.

To day is a special day because Princess wants to visit them. Their iron chain on their leg has been released. Afterward, four soldiers of Pajajaran guided them out of prison.
They were on the line for going into Balairung.(Hall room for gathering).

A Soldier announced, “Quiet please, you will be visited by our Princess, Princess Dyah Pitaloka.”

Dayang Galuh Lembayung spoke, “Hi enemy soldiers. You should be happy for a moment before the punishment upon you will have done, because of our Princess wants to talk with you. She wants to ask you everything about your Country, Majapahit Kingdom. Then you can also ask her everything about our Country, Pajajaran Kingdom.
Please be relax since our Princess regarded you as friends.”

Not so long the Princess come out. She is pretty, attractive and looks politely even though facing her enemies.

Jaran Moro looks at her, admire her and fall in love, “She is the girl in the picture; I am sure she is. I am in love; I want to marry her.”

“Do you want to ask me everything about my Country? Who want to be the first?”

Jaran Moro stood up, “My name is Jaran Moro. When we were walking at the front of villa, I saw you were standing at front door, were you?”

“Yes I was, along with my dayangs.
I admired you as a professional soldier since you have your good memory.
Nevertheless, I want to ask you, why did you go enter into our Garden Yard of Palace straightly?
I suppose that you were attacking on us. Were you?”

“No we were not, we just lost our way.”

“You just lost your way, so where do you want to go?”

“I want to go to your Palace and want to meet the Greatest King, King Maharaja Linggabuana. We want to make peace with your King.
We should go at front of the Palace as a procedure visit of a Kingdom but we lost our way ; Therefore we came at rear of your Palace.”

“What was your purpose?”

Jaran Moro looked at Banyu Urip, “Our Commandant will answer your question.”

“My lord, we are a group of Majapahit soldiers that have duty to inspect the Country border between Majapahit and Pajajaran. As you have known that there is dense forest at between. When we walked through the jungle, we did not aware that we actually have come to your garden yard.”

“Who are you? What is your name?”

“My name is Banyu Urip, I am Penyewu in Majapahit Army.”

“Who have lied between both of you?
Jaran Moro wants to meet the King; and you want to inspect the Country border.
Remember that Goddess Sang Hyang Wiji has been attending in this room.
If you lied then the Goddess will have cursed on you all.

I am sure both of you had lied. I want to give information concerning your fate that you will be capitated; that was our King’s decision.
Now, what could you do to help your self?”

The Princess became different appearance than before. She looks furious but still pretty.

Jaran Moro and Banyu Urip as well as the entire soldiers of Majapahit frightened. They have pale faces and sweat. Their heartbeat increased.

The Balairung room became quiet, no body speak. They just think to themselves in their heart each.

Jaran Moro thought, “I have to help my Corps; I have to do something to save my soldiers. Yes I still have my last turf-card that is I am a King.”

Afterward, Jaran Moro stood up, “Princess, I want to inform you a secret concerning Majapahit’s military secret, that you must know.”

“Yes please say it to me.”

“Because of it is a secret then I have to say it in a room just to you. No body could be allowed to attend in that room.”

“Do you want to torture on me? If so, my guard will act on you. Remember that!”

“Believe me.”

Afterward, Princess asked her guard, “Prepare a room for Jaran Moro.”

A soldier guided Jaran Moro to a room; left him alone in that room.
Not so long Princess came, opened the door and sat at front Jaran Moro.
While at out side of the room, four soldiers of Pajajaran are ready to help Princess.

“So what the secret is? Tell me please?”

Jaran Moro looks at the Princess; he admire her, “She is a real Princess and pretty.”

“Go on! Tell me!” Dyah Pitaloka insist

“Yes Princess, I want to tell you that I am the King of Majapahit Kingdom.”

“Ha, ha, I am not surprise; every body could say it.”

“But it was true that I am King Prabu Hayam Wuruk, the King of Majapahit Kingdom. Sang Hyang Wiji be the witness.”

“OK, if I believed on you then what will you do?”

“Please release me then I will command the entire Majapahit soldier to retreat to Singosari.”

“The sound is good; but how to do your command?”

“I will write a letter to my Patih. The letter will bring by Banyu Urip to our Head Quarter at Sunda kelapa. The letter will contend my instruction to Patih Gajah Mada for retreating the entire soldiers, back to Singosari.”

“That was perfect, thank you King.
Guard! Call my adjutant, Dayang Galuh Lembayung.” Princess Dyah Pitaloka said.

Dayang Galuh came, “I am here.”

“Tell to my father that I have found a man who has confessed himself as King of Majapahit.”

The Princess come out from the room, follow by Jaran Moro.

Jaran Moro gathered again with his soldiers. The soldiers are relief since they knew that their King has already solution to avoid their hard punishment.

Dayang Galuh Lembayung walk fast to Maung Jaya office. She said, “Panglima, a man who confessed himself as a King of Majapahit was among between the Majapahit prisoners.”

“Really ?, then we must report it to our King.”

Both of them went to King’s office. They faced their King, “You’re Majesty, a prisoner of Majapahit has confessed himself as King of Majapahit.” Galuh Lembayung said.

King Maharaja Linggabuana keep silent for a moment; he mused, “A king of my enemy come straight to my Palace for fighting against me; How come?
It was a stupid King or a crazy King; I cannot believe the news.”

“I cannot believe; let us see him.” The King said calmly.

The King, his Patih, Ujang Lumut and Dayang Galuh as well as their guards came into Balairung.

Princess approached her father with spoil acting, “ King of Majapahit attended here.”

“Where is he?”

“He is standing near the cupboard. He is a young man and handsome over there.” Princess Dyah pointed to Jaran Moro

“He don’t look like a King; he looks like my son.
However, let us discuss concerning him; we regard him as a King even though we did not prove him as a King.”

The King went into a room along with follower for discussing.
The King paid attention to Jaran Moro proposal even though he did not prove Jaran as a King.

The King reveal his opine, “I want to avoid war against Majapahit, therefore let us agree with his proposal; hoping he is a real King, King of Majapahit.”

“How an enemy King can be here; it was impossible thing.” Panglima Maung Jaya gave his comment.

“May be possible since he (Jaran Moro or the King) said that he wants to make peace and meet King Linggabuana.
In addition, I heard you that Patih with his King have different opine politically.” Princess said.

“Yes you right; Let us meet him; hoping he is real King of Majapahit.” The King said.

Prabu Hayam Wuruk guided into the same room for interrogation; however, every soldiers of Pajajaran more appreciate to him than before after he heard that he was a King.

King Maharaja Linggabuana entered the room, followed by the others.

“Are you King of Majapahit?” King Linggabuana asked

“Yes I am; I am King Prabu Hayam Wuruk from Majapahit Kingdom.
I knew that we have never met, however I have heard your Great name.” Prabu (King) Hayam Wuruk said.

“Welcome to my Country; I am King Maharaja Linggabuana.
I am glad to meet you even though in bad situation between our Countries.”

“Now I lost and surrendered. Frankly, I want to avoid your punishment. Therefore, I beg you for releasing us.
And the repayment for freeing us, we will retreat, back to Singosari.”

“We agreed with you. Now I am relief. Frankly, we want to avoid the useless war of you.
But how to do your command?
Even I heard from our secret agent that Majapahit soldiers will come about to Pakuan City in three days from now on.”

“We will send a letter to Patih Gajah Mada at Sunda Kelapa, contended my instruction to retreat our soldiers. The letter will bring by my staff, Banyu Urip.”

Maharaja Linggabuana approach King Prabu Hayam Wuruk, give his hand for shaking and hug him, “Now both of us have a big job that is establish peace condition between the two Countries.
I will watch your working day by day. I will support your effort as hard as we could.”

(to be continued)
Posted by Satoto Kusasi at 7:19 AM
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